Information for Members

The following information is made available for members of A Little Night Music Orchestra.

Folders containing complete sets of the term's music will be provided to paid members for use during the term. The folders and the music remain the property of A Little Night Music Orchestra.

The Orchestra gratefully acknowledges Long & McQuade (412 West Hastings, Vancouver store) for the donation of music folders.

Orchestra members are strongly encouraged to practise between rehearsals. For ideas on how to make the most of your practice time, please see Woodshedding Tips.

Member participation
A Little Night Music is a volunteer-run orchestra and participation from all members is encouraged. Orchestra members should feel free to make suggestions or give feedback by contacting any member of the executive committee.

Executive Committee Members
Peter Stigings, Conductor and Music Director
Nicholas Isaac: President
Phil Neam: Vice President
Veronica Carta: Secretary
Anne-Marie Fuller: Treasurer
Dominique Jean: Membership
Chris Waltham: Librarian and Webmaster
Sue Bigelow
Dawn Binnington
Carey-Anne Malcolm
Shaun Wong