How to Join

Join Us

A Little Night Music Orchestra (ALNMO) has a “no audition” policy although new players in certain sections may be placed on a waiting list as the orchestra works towards achieving a balanced and musical ensemble.

Prospective members are invited to visit the first two weekly rehearsals of each session and try us out. Contact Alana Chan, Conductor/Music Director via the orchestra secretary at 

ALNMO rehearsals are on Monday evenings, 7:25 – 9:30pm at Magee School, starting this season on  September 12th, 2022.

ALNMO is a non-profit society with charitable status. Fees are used to cover rehearsal space rental and other operational costs:

  • TBA per full year (fall, winter and spring terms)
  • TBA per single term

Through the Ethel Williams Memorial Bursary Fund, bursaries are available for members who are in need of financial assistance to pay their fees.

A Community Orchestra Based in Vancouver BC